Djerdap Geopark belongs in the regional sense to the European Geoparks Network, which marks Geoparks Week from May 23 to June 5.
European Parks Day
The European Day of Parks (EdoP) has been celebrated in Serbia every 24th of May since 2001.
Visit of a geologist from the Czech Republic
The geological structure of the Djerdap area is always a challenge for geologists of various disciplines. The group of geologists from the Geological Institute of the Czech Republic, the Technical University of Prague and the Technical University of Ostrava, led by Academician Zdenek Vashichek, visited the Geopark from 4-9th of May.
World Migratory Bird Day
The public enterprise “Djerdap National Park” reminds that 9th of May is the World Migratory Bird Day.