
Guests from Leposavić

A group of students from several schools in Leposavić stayed from the 15th to 19th of August as guests of the Municipality of Majdanpek. On that occasion, they visited natural and cultural sights in the area of the Đerdap National Park and the Đerdap Geopark.


Fifth round of the Trekking League of Serbia

The Starica Mountaineering Club from Majdanpek and the Mountaineering Association of Serbia organized a competition of the best mountain runners from Serbia called the “Fifth Round of the Trekking League of Serbia” on August 7th 2022.


Memorandum on cooperation between two geoparks

In the last decade of July, Djerdap Geopark and Geopark in the establishment of Biokovo-Imotska Jezera from the Republic of Croatia signed a Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the area of the two geoparks and the preservation of geoheritage.