As a member of the European Geoparks Network and Global Geoparks Network, Djerdap UNESCO Global Geopark celebrates October 13, the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction.
Celebration of the 4th International Landscape Day in Serbia
The Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, in cooperation with PE “Djerdap National Park”, the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia and the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Belgrade, will celebrate the Fourth International Landscape Day in Serbia on Monday, October 12, 2020 at 10 AM in the office building of PE “Djerdap National Park” in Donji Milanovac.
Celebration of the World Cleanup Day
The World Cleanup Day is an environmental action that takes place around the world on the third Saturday in September. This global event is intended for raising awareness about waste management, with the emphasis on solid waste, including its portion that reaches the seas.
The First UNESCO Global Geopark in the Republic of Serbia
During its 209th session, held from June 29 to July 10, the UNESCO Executive Board adopted the nomination of the Djerdap Aspiring Geopark and its inclusion into the Global Geoparks Network and European Geoparks Network.
Virtual Celebration of the European Geoparks Week 2020 on Social Networks
In order to raise the awareness of local communities and general public and in order to present the values of Djerdap Aspiring Geopark in an interesting manner, a multimedia program was created and presented during the European Geoparks Week 2020.